Brian Kim Stefans Again

Popahna (2004, 20.7MB, 11:25 min.)

There’s Something About Barney (2004, 3.7MB, 3:35 min.)

More from Brian Kim Stefans.
This is ‘early’ work from 2004 & Barney quite clearly
has an experimental stamp to it -Stefans describes it as at least
in part an homage to Alvin Lucier’s great sound piece “I am Sitting in a Room”.
Popahna in my view is something altogether more
substantial – there’s so much of interest happening here, both
performance wise & in directorial terms. OK, it walks the occasional fine line
but in sum it’s haunting & utterly compelling.
Stefans contrives to give it an immensely powerful narrative forward
drive whilst still remaining nuanced, dreamlike & deeply odd.
Feels like a feature film that has been shrunk to 11 minutes
by a wicked fairy.
Great stuff.