3 Beautiful Lumières

Squirrel (2007, 6.8MB, 47 secs)

[ by Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen ]

Bubble machine (2007, 8.93MB, 57 secs)

[ by Brittany Shoot ]

the hubertus hunt 2007 (2007, 4.92MB, 41 secs)

[ by Sam Renseiw ]

Andreas & Brittany’s Lumièree project has been brilliant in so many respects.
Firstly, it has engaged a load of people in making stuff.
Secondly, it has been a huge kick in the arse in terms of reflecting on what one
is doing when one is making video. It has sharpened all our eyes.
(And, curiously, speaking personally, my ears too. I think a lot harder about what
I want sound to do having now forsworn it on 25 or so occasions)
Lastly, there’s been some really great work come out of it.
Here’s one each from Andreas and Brittany and one from the frontrunner
in the productivity stakes (but not simply that – what an eye!) Sam Renseiw.