Nam June Paik: Venus / Art Cologne 2009

Nam June Paik: Venus (2009, 62 MB, 5:28 min)

At Art Cologne 2009 Hans Mayer Gallery showed a piece by Nam June Paik,
a painted aluminium infrastructure with a multi painted satellite dish,
24 color TV sets and laser disc player. In this video, Hans Mayer gives us a
short introduction to the work. From VernissageTV.

Edward Hopper at the National Gallery of Art

Edward Hopper at NGA (2007, 37MB, 3:36 min.)

In conjunction with the exhibition Edward Hopper, the National Gallery of Art
has released a new video podcast about the artist and his work and influence.
Narrated by actor and art collector Steve Martin.

Gordon Parks

Gordon Parks
What I Can Say About Gordon Parks (2006, 2.9MB, 2:28 min.)

Gordon Parks passed away last year on March 7 2006.
He was a gifted and versatile artist & his work will continue
to provide inspiration for generations to come.

By Mica Scalin.

8 BIT – documentary about art and video games
8 BIT trailer (2006, 8.7MB, 1:28 min.)

“Premiering in New York at the Museum of Modern Art,
8 BIT is a hybrid documentary examining the influence of
video games on contemporary culture.