Reynald Drouhin – 2 movies

E.mor (1999, 13MB, 2 min.)

Petit d’Homme (2001, 42MB, 2 min.)

Reynald Drouhin:

E.Mor –
Improvisation dans le noir // Improvisation in the dark
Musique/Music: Meredith Monk, ‘Engine Steps’

Petit d’Homme –
Etude du comportement humain en milieu naturel, avec Lloÿs Drouhin // A study in human beahaviour in a natural setting, with Lloÿs Drouhin

Betty Martins – I Wasn’t always Dressed Like This

I Wasn’t always Dressed Like This [Trailer] (2013, 120MB, 1:42 min)

If the substantive piece (which I gather is about 33 minutes in length) is
anything like as good as this trailer promises it will be stunning.

This has all the hallmarks of the previous piece by Betty Martins – When the Souls Arrive – we posted here : beautifully made, scrupulously attentive to those being observed/interviewed but with its own quite particular gentle and steely authorial stamp.
(I usually hate anthropomorphising art – you know the thing, ‘this piece investigates’ &c. – except here
I am sorely tempted to say that Martin’s work ‘knows how to listen’. Of course what I mean is Martins knows how to listen, carefully and empathetically, and then to re-configure parts of that listening and looking and understanding too as moving image soaked with detail and feeling.)
In addition the subject matter could not be more timely: a broadside of delicate
beauty in the face of bigotry.

Brian Eno – Mistaken Memories of Medieval Manhattan

Mistaken Memories of Medieval Manhattan (1981, 43MB, 6:01 min)

A six minute excerpt from the 45 min beaut.
The DVD comes with ‘Thursday Afternoon’ and your
option of playing either movie vertically or horizontally.

Two from Lewis LaCook

modern life (2005, 3.6MB, 3:13 min)

grass spider (2005, 6.1MB, 2:55 min)

2005 work from Lewis LaCook.
He seems to have dropped out of sight.
A shame, he made startling and splendid work in a number of media.

Update: I looked – he’s here and .

Pieces of OiZ

Christoph Brunner – schwarzenbergplatz (2005, 9.8MB, 0:46)

Christoph Brunner – schwarzenbergplatz 2 (2005, 13.5MB, 1:03)

Orte in Zeiten is a filmmaking process conceived
by Christoph Brunner that continuously re-exposes film
to make surreal loops of space and time.
These two clips were taken during the development
of OiZ, which roughly translates to “places in time”.


Emergence – Locusts (2008, 233.8MB, 11:19)

From celebrated MC Invincible, a docu-music-video
about the history of gentrification and capitalism’s
destruction of communities in Detroit.
Video features several local activists, including
Grace Lee Boggs and (full disclosure) my good friend
Ron Scott.
This intense collaboration gives me chills every
time I watch it.
I’ll let the rest speak for itself.

Sam Easterton – Animal Vegetable Video

Ardvark (2001, 1.6MB, 15 sec.)

Scorpion (2001, 1.1MB, 10 sec.)

Tumbleweeds (2001, 1.2MB, 10 sec.)

Wolf (2001, 1.1MB, 10 sec.)

Since 1988, Sam Easterton has been using tiny
‘helmet mounted’ cameras to create an archive of videos filmed
from the perspective of plants and animals.

By Mica

Body Magic – Javier Morales and John Michael Boling

Body Magic (2007, 26MB, 2:25 min.)

From the old
Music by Javier.

Alfonso Cuarón and Naomi Klein – Shock Doctrine

The Shock Doctrine (2007, 19.1MB, 6:47 min.)

Internet video version of Naomi Klein’s 2007 book, much more than an advertisement.
Hard to watch, as it should be.

‘America’s free market’ policies have come to dominate the world– through the exploitation of disaster-shocked people and countries. {source}

Produced by Klein and Alfonso Cuarón, directed by Jonas Cuarón.

The Framing of Luaty Beirão

History of the Demonstrations
History of the Demonstrations (2012, 211MB, 15:53 min)

Cuka (2011, 35MB, 4:11 min)

A Statement by Luaty Beirão (2012, 34MB, 7:05 min)

Three connected movies, which connect in a very direct way with the world about us.
For the last couple of years, simultaneously with the ‘Arab spring’ there have been
a number of similar movements around the world where ordinary folk have stood up for
the right to free speech and the right to a decent life, mostly both.
This happened on a small scale in the Southern African country of Angola where the inheritors
of the magnificent struggle against imperialism in the 70s seem to have forgotten their roots,
perhaps lulled by power and the good life it can bring to a few. A small but dogged and effective
campaign for democracy and against corruption, poverty and police state begaviour sprang up amongst
young people there.
The first video is a documentary relating the beginning, growth of this movement and subsequent
attempted government repression.
( You can find some more info , from Human Rights Watch, here)
Our second video is a track by the Angolan rapper Luaty Beirão, better known as Ikonoklasta
which is a tremendously entertaining bit of agit-prop against the regime.
It clearly struck home because the Angolan security forces have attempted to frame Beirão by
secreting a substantial amount of cocaine in a bicycle wheel in his possession on a flight
from Angola to Portugal.
The third video is Luaty Beirão’s statement upon and account of these events.
Watch the videos and draw you own conclusions – I do not for a moment believe Beirão is guilty
of anything except bravery and standing up to oppression.

We’ll leave you with these videos for the summer a reminder there’s art and there’s life and there’s
not a lot of space between.

We’re going to take a break until mid September-ish when we’ll be back with mostly
art videos but anything else that amuses, inspires or outrages us.
If you have stuff you think we’d like, send us links – we look at everything we’re sent.
It remains only to wish you all a nice and relaxing summer if you can manage it.