Farheen HaQ – (un)covering

(un)covering (2002, excerpt, 13MB, 2:39 min.)

“Using 6 metres of fabric, the artist engages the viewer in a highly
personal act, playing on notions of the gaze. The artist maintains
a strong gaze of her own looking beyond the audience.
The performance becomes a drawing as the fabric becomes a line
that fills the space.”

Excerpt from a 5 min. single channel video loop by Farheen HaQ.

Cinzia Cremona – Solo Show

Solo Show (2006, 25MB, 6:22 min.)

Solo Show takes the viewer on a short trip in a complicit game of art making.
The image overlaps the body of the viewer with that of the artist. As the frame
moves from place to place, formats and titles are recalled in an attempt to
uncover the dynamics of making meaning by calling things art.

by Cinzia Cremona.