Mimi, Jack & Anna

Mimi, Jack & Anna (2007, 14.6MB, 2:09 min.)

‘About half way through this, I realised I was unconsciously structuring it with the work
of Jacques Rivette in mind. So it’s a kind of tiny tribute to a master.
The music is my arrangement for Tuba Quartet of the Pixies’
Is She Weird? played by Tubalat on their Hall of Mirrors CD.
Thanks to them & thanks to Anna, Jack & Mimi.’

from Michael Szpakowski.
a beauty !

Hal Hartley – Fay Grim trailer

Fay Grim trailer
Fay Grim trailer (2007, 10.7MB, 1:54 min)

In the case of Hal Hartley I feel so at odds with the world’s
apparent consensus that I fear for the balance of my mind.
Why is he not feted as one of the world’s smartest & most inventive directors?
Why did folk briefly seem to understand in the early nineties that something
special was going on, then bizarrely seem almost immediately to forget about it?
It beats me, it defeats me.
Here is the trailer for Fay Grim, touted by some as Hartley’s return to form
Me I think he never lost it.
Yes – it has moments that feel eggy, awkward and mystifying but
then so does La Divina Commedia.


Antinormalizer (2007, 83.9MB, 9:58 min)

This has quite a complex history, which is explained
better in the video than I could do here.
My nose twitched when I saw it posted on the
Rhizome list by Brett Stalbaum.
Anything associated with him is worth checking out
as witness the various excellent things he’s made with
a hiking theme ( & hiking theme so fails to do justice to the peculiarity
& wonder of them).
Anyway this one is a big team thing, students and staff from
two courses at Unviersity of California San Diego &
it’s entertaining & thought provoking & it feels like
a 2007, modern tech twist on 1968’s
‘Sous les pavés, la plage!’.

Flightline ODC Slackers – Shannon Noble

Flightline ODC Slackers
Flightline ODC Slackers (2007, 23.5MB, 2:35 min)

An excellent piece from Shannon Noble.
Shannon is a maker of remarkably finely judged
videos which often amaze but never sit up and beg.
Here he tackles, with both grace & restraint, something
that I suppose could loosely be described as a genre
film: the sports documentary.
OK, the poetic sports documentary.

Mark E Smith Reads the Football Results

Mark E Smith
Mark E Smith Reads the Football Results (2005, 12.7MB, 7:14 min.)

God-like genius & professional curmudgeon Mark E Smith
of The Fall reads the football (OK – soccer to
about two thirds of you) results on the BBC in 2005.
The full glory of this possibly only totally comprehensible to
Brits of a certain age but stay with it – the last third is
a hoot.