Hugo Heyrman – Body Language Sequences

series 1, #10 (2006, 625KB, 1 sec. loop)

series 1, #1 (2006, 564KB, 1 sec. loop)

series 1, #20 (2006, 550KB, 1 sec. loop)

Attractive & interesting 2006 work from Belgian artist Hugo Heyrman
Despite a superficial similarity to the work of the late David Crawford
this work has a dynamic (and a charm) entirely its own.
Check out Heyrman’s Museums of the Mind site for more.

with wavering light – Brian Gibson

with wavering light
with wavering light (2010, 31MB, 3:03 min.)

Delicate, beautiful & assured work from occasional contributor here,
Brian Gibson.
I do particularly love the recorded-as-live harmonium, which, unlike
so much of the current use of music in movie-making serves to somehow
open out, rather than close off, the piece’s field of meanings.

Sam Renseiw – Fragmented Occurences

Fragmented Occurences
Fragmented Occurences (2010, 67MB, 4:33 min.)

It’s a little while since we featured anything from the splendid Sam
, so here’s a recent piece.
In contrast to many of his films, which have an incredibly strong
sense of a particular place, this was apparently composed
from odds and ends of footage from various locations during the last
few months.
I think it works beautifully; it’s instructive to see Sam intervening,
perhaps a little more than usual, at the editing level.
(His camera work is always very distinctive – there’s often a sense
-true or not- that many pieces are largely composed in the shooting.)

Whatever the case, this is, as always, a wonderful and utterly distinctive voice.

PS This is our 1000th post of the new series. Many thanks to all who have sent words of encouragement & appreciation. It makes the time spent working on DVblog feel doubly worthwhile.