Thomas Bayrle – (b)alt

(b)alt (1997, 2 MB, 22 sec.)

Thomas Bayrle has been pursuing the concept of developing ‘superstructures’
from encapsulated image patterns since the 1960s. He uses it for drawings,
photocopy-montages or film animations, at first needing to work painstakingly
by hand. It is now possible to process images like this more or less automatically
by computer. Thomas Bayrle meets his grandson in the computer-animated video
‘(b)alt’ and uses interconnecting, superimposed image patters to address the
sequence of human generations sensually as well as metaphorica”
From Media Art Net.

Peter Campus – Three Transitions

Three Transitions (1973, 7 MB, 1:32 min.)

Peter Campus presents three introspective self-portraits that incorporate his dry humor.
Campus uses basic techniques of video technology and his own image to create
succinct, almost philosophical metaphors for the psychology of the self, articulating
transformations of internal and external selves, illusion and reality.

Elodie Pong – ADN/ARN

Trailer for ADN/ARN (2003, 8 MB, 4:04 min.)

ADN/ARN was an interactive installation addressed to one person at the time,
filmed with 8 surveillance cameras, in which each visitor was invited to confide
and then contractually sell a personal secret. The initial system took place in
Lausanne at the Centre d’Arts sc