Niles Atallah- Una belleza extraña y frágil/A Strange & Fragile Beauty.

Hagalo Usted Mismo (2007, 25.1MB, 4:24 min)

Mas (2005, 21.1MB, 3:53 min)

Video clips hechos cuadro a cuadro de una belleza y
fr�gil extra�eza del artista chileno Niles Atallah.
El trabajo es tambi�n de una imaginaci�n enormemente
f�rtil y singularmente libre de clich�.
Apuesto que estos fueron simultaneamente un gran
desaf�o y un placer a�n m�s grande de realizar.

Music videos with stop-motion work of beauty
& fragile strangeness from Chilean artist Niles Atallah.
The work, also, of an enormously fertile imagination
& one singularly free of clich’.
I bet these were simultaneously a great trial &
a greater joy to make.

Los Tres (Hagalo Usted Mismo )
Bobo (Mas)

Geoff Mcfetridge

golden cage (2007, 5.5MB, 4:03 min)

western state: geoff mcfetridge (2007, 36.2MB, 9:04 min)

Geoff Mcfetridge has had his hands in some amazing things including the title sequences for Adaptation and Virgin Suicides as well as music videos for The Avalanches, Simian, and (the first video posted) Whitest Boy Alive. I came across this video on my local skate shop’s blog and was interested to find out more about the creator and stumbled across the incredibly interesting series Western State put on by Coudal Partners. The second video posted “examines Geoff Mcfetridge, his work and his moustache.” I have put the videos in this order because this is the way I viewed them and I found it was fun to watch the artist’s work and then take the time to get to know more about him. Things seem to tie themselves together nicely that way.
Whitest Boy Alive

-brian gibson

KDM 100 – A Dispatch from the Front Line

Hey Joe (M.River)
Hey Joe [M.River] (2007, 17.9MB, 3:35 min)

Hey Joe (T.Whid)
Hey Joe [T.Whid] (2007, 17.5MB, 3:31 min)


…bastard…Duchamp…Marx…splendid & singular….
Karaoke Death Match 100…brutal…alcohol…blood…sing-along…
fury…pee breaks…Carpenters…heavy…teleprompter …clearly…
50 days…sneak… ahem…er… moving
T.Whid…shambling…M River…weird…dynamics…
falling over…human…wonderful…

Just over half way through: – vote early, vote often!

Karaoke Death Match 100.

Sounding the Body: Larsener & Sondheim

luke larsener
from star w (2005, 3.1MB, 1:40 min.)

watched wire
watched wire (2006, 6.1MB, 2:15 min)

Compelling sound stuff from two different sources.
First a piece from,
a kind of feedback carillon & the movement that
it engenders/engenders it totally absorbing –
comedic, touching, strange.
Secondly, work by Alan Sondheim, who needs
no introduction here. More delicate & austere
than the Larsener piece, it provides a sharp &
fascinating contrast in the, one would have hitherto
thought, relatively easily exhausted, genre of