LCDblossom_Phospherescent Polyp (2009, 8 MB, 25 sec.)
9″ LCD screen, hand-blown glass, fiber optics, plastics, resin,
enamel, acrylic, phospherescent silicon,12v led’s, custom audio/video dvd
Video sculpture by disney NASA borg.
LCDblossom_Phospherescent Polyp (2009, 8 MB, 25 sec.)
9″ LCD screen, hand-blown glass, fiber optics, plastics, resin,
enamel, acrylic, phospherescent silicon,12v led’s, custom audio/video dvd
Video sculpture by disney NASA borg.
microorganism studies (2007, 14 MB, 5:05 min.)
Work from an experimental television center residency by Zach Layton.
Previous Process (2010, 15MB, 1:25 min)
New work from Morrisa Maltz, both revisiting and developing
themes, images and ideas from previous work.
Maltz’s work is growing & unfolding at a slightly scary pace.
The piece too, a little bit scary; or, better, unheimlich.
Interesting to compare it even with the last piece of hers we posted here,
bare weeks ago.
I want to say Maltz has a natural feel for image, cut, sound
but I suspect it is actually worked for and worked for hard.
Good. No falling back, then, on glib facility but lots
more change, development and fascinating work to come.
Krummholz Formation (2010, 112MB, 16:48 min)
It’s always a pleasure to post new work from Rick Silva here
and this piece is no exception.
His work has been heading somewhere strange, gripping
and utterly his own for some time now.
I find this loyalty to a very personal vision both admirable
and exemplary. I’m fascinated to see whether further development
along this path is possible or whether there will at some point be a sharp
change of direction.
(Once again with this piece I really want to see it
in a gallery -nobody is more adept or at home at work for the net than Silva
but I can’t help feeling that this work needs space and distance…)
From Xerox to Xerox (2010, 20MB, 8 secs)
Copy of a copy using 133 different Xerox machines…
No idea whether it’s meant to be ravishing but it is.
Ravishing. Delicate, blink-and-you-miss-it & ravishing.
From Jasper Elings.
What Is This? (2006, 20.8MB, 2:31 min.)
Deft & attractive travelogue/visual poem/puzzle taking
us on a dream tour of Moljevic’s native Amsterdam.
More on his YouTube channel, and website
treee (2006, 2.28MB, 1:03 min)
treees 3 (2006, 5.86MB, 38 sec)
treees 8 (2006, 9.15MB, 58 sec)
“similar to a scanning electron microscope, two images of a moving tree
with enormous detail were stitched together, warped, merged, and
analyzed at every stage. the result is a planetary configuration; one can travel
for at least an hour or two through the detailing. at times threads or
tubes appear; at times there are planes, sharpened edges, odd holes and
gaps. a tetrahedral mapping was employed.
it is this acute exploration of acute angles of inner worlds that
fascinates me. the mp4 file is small and an enormous amount of detail
is lost, but you get the idea. there are videos as well of course.
here is the resurrection of encapsulated movement-into-landscape of a
five-story tree outside the virtual environments laboratory at west
Interview with Pablo Valbuena (2009, 43 MB, 3:46 min)
Studio Banana TV interviews visual artist and architect Pablo Valbuena.
After working in digital media designing virtual architectures for videogames,
he currently looks for new ways of using light to introduce the dimensions of
time and movement in urban spaces, altering the perception of physical space
through projected virtual realities.