Lost Worlds

wakefield gala
Wakefield Gala – clip (1920s?, 1.1MB, 23 sec.)

munitions factory
Munitions Factory – clip (1940s, 884KB, 21 sec.)

berry picking
Berry Picking – clip (1950s ?, 891KB, 20 sec.)

Three clips from the Yorkshire Film Archive in the UK.
& a glimpse of some lost worlds.
It’s a crime more of these films are not digitised & available
for immediate view & that the online documentation is so poor.
Makes one doubly thankful for the wonderful Prelinger Archive

Isaac Julien – DV and film work

Encore 2
Encore II (radioactive) (2004, 11.5MB, 3:31 min.)

Isaac Julien is one of Britain’s most innovative and provocative filmmakers.
He has been involved with forging a new language around black representation.
Although his works largely retain a conventional narrative approach, they are shot
through with strategies which then serve to disrupt the stability of this narrative.
Above – Encore II from tank.tv.

Vagabondia (clip, 2000, 6.6MB, 1:46 min.)

EParadise Omeros
Paradise Omeros (clip, 2002, 24.5MB, 1:30 min.)

Baltimore (clip, 2003, 6.7MB, 2:15 min.)

Chinese Shorts

Train by Yang Zhi Fei
‘Train’ by Yang Zhi Fei (2005, 1.8MB, 1:02 min)

here and there everywhere by Wang Weijie
‘here and there everywhere’ by Wang Weijie
(2005, 0.7MB, 1:00 min)

camera 0 by Ying Jian
‘camera 0’ by Ying Jian (2005, 1.8MB 1:00 min)

city space by Wei Na
‘city space’ by Wei Na (2005, 1.8MB 1:01 min)

Four recent Chinese shorts featured on the
(rather confusingly organised) theoneminutes.org site.
(Which site also boasts the rather alarming archive
category: science and miracles).
The site’s quality control is a bit variable,
however these four are great – despite image
quality not being brilliant, their sparkiness &
originality sing through.