Standard Operating Procedure

Errol Morris – Standard Operating Procedure (2008, 11.2MB, 2:00)

We don’t hide our love for Errol Morris – see here
and here – but there’s no need for us to apologize.
The man is a genius. His latest feature, Standard
Operating Procedure
, interviews Abu Ghraib prison
guards and tells the story behind the now-infamous
photographs of abuse from the prison, uncovered in
2003. Dubbed a “nonfiction horror film” by Morris,
this investigative film, much like A Thin Blue Line,
helped Morris once again dig deeper into a crime
file, this one just more contemporary.

When you see a picture, you don’t see outside the frame.

With the frightening pictures as a jumping off point,
Morris interviews those involved with the scandal to
get the whole story.
Can’t wait to see this one.

László Moholy-Nagy

Lichtspiel Schwarz, Weiss, Grau (clip) (1932, 12MB, 1:39 min.)

“Lichtspiel Schwarz, Weiss, Grau”, a doc concerning Moholy-Nagy’s kinetic sculpture,
the Light Space-Modulator. Moholy-Nagy believed the motion picture played a significant
role as both art & investigative tool.
‘Painting, photography, and film are parts of one problem although their techniques
may be entirely different. They belong to the same realm; that is, to visual expression,
where cross-fertilizations are possible.’

László Moholy-Nagy

Eclectic – Ross Ching

Eclectic (2007, 66MB, 2:26 min.)

“This film I created by myself. It is a series of time-lapse shots that I edited
together and put to music. Rather than using a regular video camera,
I opted to use a digital SLR camera because it allowed me to shoot in ultra
high definition as well as get the depth of field only available to film cameras”.

Time-lapse photography by Ross Ching.

Transitos – Gonzalo Vidal Soler

Transitos 2.1
Transitos 2.1 (2003-6, 21.7MB, 4:37 min)

Transitos 1.1
Transitos 1.1 (2003-6, 23.2MB, 6:32 min)

Transitos, (familiarmente Slows), es un trabajo que une la fotografia
y el video , la fotografia por que son planos fijos y tratamiento de
encuadre y luz puramente fotografico, el video aporta el movimiento,
la duracion y el sonido que rodea estos parajes, podriamos hablar
de fotografias sonoras con movimiento. Transitos son lugares por
los que el ser humano pasa o se deja llevar de forma automatica
y que por ese automatismo, deja de apreciar, aunque siempre deja
su huella sea esta sonora o fisica. Los slows estan divididos en
4 apartados: paisaje maritimo, paisaje urbano, retratos en tren,
y finalmente, paisaje rural.

Transitos (literally ‘Transits’, although I’ve got into the habit of
calling them “Slows”, for obvious reasons) is a work, or series of works,
that unites photography and video. Photography, in the insistence on a
fixed plane and the purely photographic treatment of frame and light;
video, in the introduction of the movement, duration and sound which
suffuse these locations. Perhaps:
‘Photography with sound and movement’ !
Transitos are places human beings pass through almost automatically and
therefore unconsciously, nevertheless always leaving their imprint, be it
sonic or material.
The pieces are divided into four groups: seaside, countryside, urban
landscape and train portraits.

Thoughtful, slow-burning, work of sometimes heart-melting beauty from
Spanish photographer Gonzalo Vidal Soler .