Ask Vatne Brean –Two Short Movies

Freely Improvised Music With Digital Effects On Analog Wind Instrument In Depth Against Painted Directed Italian Reality Game Show On a Flat Screen
Freely Improvised Music With Digital Effects On Analog Wind Instrument In Depth Against Painted Directed Italian Reality Game Show On a Flat Screen (2009, 20 MB, 3:27 min)

Small creatures everywhere looking for adventures
Small creatures everywhere looking for adventures (2009, 14 MB, 2:24 min)

But not short titles eh Ask?
Work of skill, verve, charm & oddness from Ask Vatne Brean
about whom I know nothing , except I think he is Norwegian.

Update: He is Norwegian & is an 18 year old
music student.
Impressive & somewhat scary – I look forward to seeing how his
work develops.

Annette Hollywood – Stuttgarter Filmwinter Trailer

filmwinter trailer
Stuttgarter Filmwinter – Trailer (2009, 6 MB, 58 secs)

Adding with distinction one feels to the, perhaps hitherto
somewhat sparsely populated, genre of German-Art-Country & Western
is this quite splendid trailer from Annette Hollywood for the annual
Stuttgarter Filmwinter festival.
The subtitles are in Schwabian, the local dialect, and we
reproduce both Engilsh and Schwabian lyrics below.
Photography is by Anna Go, all else by Ms Hollywood.

for a shooting cowboygirl like me
in the cold desert of artscenery
filmwinter is like a warm campfire
and makes filmworld much higher

they bombard you with prices of honour
like this arty wolperdonger