Marisa Olson – 2 videos

Dark Stars
Dark Stars (2006, 6.9MB, 1:30 min)

From Here
From Here (2006, 29MB, 4 min)

Two rather attractive & intriguing pieces by Marisa Olson
made at a 2006 residency at the Experimental Television Center.

Said Marisa:
“Both are made using a combination of analog & digital processes
and Dark Stars is almost completely analog.. but
then again, both appropriate found material from the internet.
From Here is the music video for Zach Layton’s remix of my song of the
same name. Dark Stars uses samples from one of those old VHS video

More from Marisa on DVblog here.


Willow Creek Coffee
Willow Creek Coffee (2006, 14.5MB, 47 sec.)

A Greater Degree of Hardware Awareness
A Greater Degree of Hardware Awareness (2006, 25.6MB, 4:40 min.)

Is that a Shakespeare reference I see before me?
These 3 artists from Milwaukee ( who seem to have mutated
into an essentially music making outfit since) used whatever comes to
hand or mind, allied to an aesthetic that privileged
collaboration, speed & the improvisational,
to make this beautiful & engaging work.