The Yes Men Fix The World

The Yes Men Fix The World (2009, 37 MB, 2:30 min)

Coming to theaters in October, The Yes MenFix The World.
They have an unusual hobby: posing as top executives
of corporations they hate. Armed with nothing but thrift-store suits,
the Yes Men lie their way into business conferences and parody their
corporate targets in ever more extreme ways – basically doing everything
that they can to wake up their audiences to the danger of letting greed run our world.

More vids here and here.

Kurosawa trailers better than most entire films…

Scandal – trailer (1950, 7.7MB, 1:38 min)

The Idiot – trailer (1951, 6.3MB, 1:22 min)

Don’t know whether these are the original, or re-edited, trailers
but they’re wonderful, wonderful.
Watch and marvel.
I know neither of these films but I can’t wait to get my sweaty
palms on the DVDs from Eureka Cinema’s Masters of Cinema series.

Soft Cinema – Interview with Lev Manovich

lev_interview_1 (2003, 2MB, 2:12 min.)

lev_interview_2 (2003, 2MB, 2:08 min.)

lev_interview_3 (2003, 2.5MB, 2:14 min.)

lev_interview_4 (2003, 2.7MB, 1:45 min.)

A 4 part interview on Soft Cinema with Lev Manovich
the Mecca of new media arts.
DEAF 03, Rotterdam.

Also: “On Database Driven Movies”.