Aleksandra Domanovic – La Biennale (Dictum Ac Factum)

La Biennale (Dictum Ac Factum) (2009, 63MB, 1:40 min)

Nicely made, kind of de Chirico-ish in its
sense-of-place-that-never-was & the way it
haunts you long after viewing, this piece from
Aleksandra Domanovic featured as part of the
Padiglione Internet of the 2009 Venice Biennale.
Oh –Dictum ac Factum – ‘No Sooner Said than Done’, apparently.

Pieces of OiZ

Christoph Brunner – schwarzenbergplatz (2005, 9.8MB, 0:46)

Christoph Brunner – schwarzenbergplatz 2 (2005, 13.5MB, 1:03)

Orte in Zeiten is a filmmaking process conceived
by Christoph Brunner that continuously re-exposes film
to make surreal loops of space and time.
These two clips were taken during the development
of OiZ, which roughly translates to “places in time”.


Emergence – Locusts (2008, 233.8MB, 11:19)

From celebrated MC Invincible, a docu-music-video
about the history of gentrification and capitalism’s
destruction of communities in Detroit.
Video features several local activists, including
Grace Lee Boggs and (full disclosure) my good friend
Ron Scott.
This intense collaboration gives me chills every
time I watch it.
I’ll let the rest speak for itself.

Sam Easterton – Animal Vegetable Video

Ardvark (2001, 1.6MB, 15 sec.)

Scorpion (2001, 1.1MB, 10 sec.)

Tumbleweeds (2001, 1.2MB, 10 sec.)

Wolf (2001, 1.1MB, 10 sec.)

Since 1988, Sam Easterton has been using tiny
‘helmet mounted’ cameras to create an archive of videos filmed
from the perspective of plants and animals.

By Mica

Jim Punk & Antonio Mendoza – Dysleksic

dudeboat (2012, 2 MB, 11 secs)

misteriosoxxx (2012, 4 MB, 41 secs)

Slightly traducing the spirit of the project where
the two artists mix, hack and otherwise mutate
and abut up to 9 videos simutaneously in the same web page
as a (very welcome) online adjunct to the current Drawing Surrealism
show at LACMA, we’re featuring a couple of the component parts.
(Because we love both these artists and we want to publicise
everything they do, which is never, ever, dull.)
To view it properly go (and keep on going back) to the
project page and to learn more go here.