Data Moshing with Eddie Whelan

caralion (2009, 10 MB, 1:03 min)

METALBEAR (2009, 11 MB, 44 secs)

atlas bear (2009, 9 MB, 54 secs)

There’s a wonderful strangeness and abandon to Eddie Whelan’s work.
Here he indulges in some rather winning datamoshing.
It all looks garishly gorgeous but the icing for me is his choice
and use of music/sound, which resonates very effectively with the visuals.
The lion piece, in particular, seems to me to be deeply melancholy, lovely
and pretty funny, all at the same time.

15 Minutes – Marque Cornblatt

15 Minutes – clip (1997, 8.2 MB, 5:09 min.)

Early clip made for the web.
Over the course of several weeks, guerrilla-style film and video crews followed
artists 24 hours a day, and along with actual news coverage, tell the tale
of taking the media and the art world hostage in an effort to manufacture
’15 Minutes’ of fame.
From Marque Cornblatt.

Dom Cheverti – Throwing Chamberlains

Bowl (2009, 2 MB, 1:52 min)

Bowl/Glass (2009, 2 MB, 1:01 min)

Bowl/Flower/Vase (2009, 3 MB, 57 secs)

little river
Little River (2009, 2 MB, 1:00 min)

Recommended to us by the sublime Sam Renseiw who,
when he speaks, we listen.
Nonetheless I had some difficulties in coming to grips with this.
Sam tells me it relates to some current You Tube thing whereby people
throw ping-pong balls into various receptacles with a high degree of accuracy.

Clearly I should stay in more.

So…in this case the balls are substituted by a species of cookie, apparently
known in Denmark as ‘chamberlains’.
(I asked Sam exactly what a chamberlain was.
He says:
“Chamberlains is an odd translation of ‘kammerjunker’ that
can both be a chamberlain and danish cookie/biscuit.
It is usually consumed in summer with “koldsk

The Yes Men Fix The World

The Yes Men Fix The World (2009, 37 MB, 2:30 min)

Coming to theaters in October, The Yes MenFix The World.
They have an unusual hobby: posing as top executives
of corporations they hate. Armed with nothing but thrift-store suits,
the Yes Men lie their way into business conferences and parody their
corporate targets in ever more extreme ways – basically doing everything
that they can to wake up their audiences to the danger of letting greed run our world.

More vids here and here.

MTAA and Mike Koller – iPhone Drum Circle

iPhone Drum Circle (2009, 40 MB, 5:10 min)

On Sunday September 20 at 2pm, MTAA, Mike Koller and friends set out
a brightly colored blanket surround by a circle of chairs at McCarren Park,
Williamsburg, Brooklyn. They had amplified iPhones on which they have
downloaded touchscreen drum and bongo applications and they “jammed.”

iPhone Drum Circle (aka IPDC)