The Smith Family

#1 (2007, 1MB, 56 secs)

#1 (2007, 1MB, 57 secs)

In 2007 I ran a little competition on my site centred aound
a musical setting I had made of a tiny poem by my friends and
collaborators Robert Roth & Carletta Joy Walker for
their magazine “And Then”.

I invited remixes, either musical or visual, of the song and
these two pieces, both utterly barking & delicately poetic at one
and the same time, came winging their way from the Smith Family
in Germany.

Tony Oursler – "Spaced" at Margo Leavin Gallery

Spaced (2006, 28 MB, 3:31 min.)

Documentation from Tony Oursler‘s exhibition at the Margo Leavin Gallery.
The works mixrs video and cialis professional physical objects, poetic texts and actual music
gleaned from the recordings of deep space by NASA.

Simon Mclennan – The Mouse Escapes

the mouse escapes
The Mouse Escapes [Trailer] (2010, 4MB, 37 secs)

Difficult to gauge from the trailer what the full 12 minute piece
might be like but it will clearly be interesting & atmospheric and guided
by an acute visual sense.
The music, written by director Mclennan, is also rather good.
Website, with lots of details, here.

Brad Tinmouth – Happy 7

Happy 7 (2009, 5.8 MB, 32 sec.)

Happy video glitch by Brad Tinmouth.

Lumière et Son Bow Out

checkout art fairs
Checkout Art Fairs (2010, 8MB, 1:07 min.)

Blotting Paper
Blotting Paper (2010, 13MB, 1:06 min.)

I hadn’t realized that the splendid Lumière et Son project, which
we’ve raved about here before, was a time limited thing
but, sadly, yes & they’ve posted their last, which we repost here
We’ve grabbed a few more, which we’ll post in the near future, but
do yourselves a favour and go & wallow in their site now…

Brody Condon – Resurrection (after Bouts)

Resurrection (after Bouts) (2007, 3.2 MB, 30 sec.)

“A non-interactive, animated recreation of the Resurrection scene
by Dieric Bouts from 1455 made using current game development
technology and visual styles.”
By Brody Condon.

Black or White, the Gravy Version

black or white
Black or White, the Gravy Version (2010, 58 MB, 2:38 min.)

An outing, or perhaps more a forced march, for Michael Jackson’s
Black or White refracted through the prism of English
whimsy that is Edward Picot (well, on occasion; fans will know
his range is much, much broader) with co-conspirator Hoola Hoop Kid.
Never understood the Jackson appeal myself but this I like a great deal.
Wish, though, they’d called it ‘Black or White, the Gravy Mix‘.

fair use trio live at roulette – 2001: A Space Odyssey

2001: A Space Odyssey (2007, 30 MB, 14:34 min.)

The fair use trio: zach layton, matty ostrowski, luke dubois.
From zach layton industries.